Hair Myths Everyone Should Avoid

Hair Myths Everyone Should Avoid

Hair can be as diverse as its owners and growing in various shapes, lengths and colors.

That being said, there are certain myths associated with it which everyone should avoid.

Plucking one gray hair won’t result in more gray ones appearing because each follicle can only support one hair growth at any given time.

Myth 1: Brushing Your Hair 100 Times a Night Will Keep It Healthy

If you have ever experienced long, thick locks (or watched others with them), or read any beauty advice, chances are you have heard this: “Brush your hair 100 times per night to keep it healthy, shiny and full.” However, this old wives tale may actually cause harm to strands.

This advice likely dates back to pre-shampoo days, when women would only wash their hair once or twice every week and natural oils would build up in their locks. Brushing would help disperse those oils throughout your locks for enhanced natural shine and better distribution.

But nowadays, people wash their hair far too frequently and apply so many products on our strands that it can leave cuticles damaged, leading to dull-looking locks. Furthermore, certain brushes with synthetic or vent bristles may snag and pull at your hair, weakening it over time. Therefore it is wise to only brush when necessary; wide-tooth combs or paddle brushes with plastic bristles should only be used on wet strands for optimal results.

Make sure to always use a detangling product on wet strands before brushing them, and brush gently so as not to damage your strands. If you find that you are losing an excessive amount of hair daily, however, consult your physician; even though daily hair loss is normal; excessive loss could indicate medical issues or hormonal imbalances that need addressing immediately. For further assistance or referral to specialists if required. If that fails then seek advice from a dermatologist as they can often provide treatments or suggest other solutions.

Myth 2: Switching Up Your Hair Products Will Make It Grow Longer

As with anything new, trying out different hair tools, techniques and products can be exciting! But unfortunately, some solutions that surface online or from friends may be more myth than fact – and it’s easy to believe these untruths just because they may sound plausible or have scientific backing behind them. From when should be best to trim locks to whether plucking gray hairs causes faster regrowth – many myths simply don’t hold water when it comes to reality.

One of the more widespread hair myths is that your hair becomes “accustomed” to a product, then stops working as expected. This typically happens after using one shampoo and conditioner combo for too long; it can also occur if switching too rapidly between products, leading to breakage due to sudden formula shifts as well as buildup which was never fully addressed before by existing solutions.

Products containing sulfates, parabens and phthalates can lead to serious breakage of hair follicles and other problems with your locks, leading to breakage and other hair conditions. The best way to maintain healthy locks is through gentle products that nourish follicles – such as shampoos and conditioners made of natural ingredients like coconut oil (like our Like A Virgin Hair Masque!) or argan oil that penetrate the scalp to rejuvenate strands from within. Furthermore, using a microfiber towel after every wash session can prevent your locks from drying out too quickly if your locks get wet!

Myth 3: Braids and Ponytails Slow Down Hair Growth

Hair health should be of top priority, and yet we often fall prey to outdated myths that can do more damage than good! From how often to trim to which products will prevent breakage, we have revealed and debunked many common hair myths that just won’t stand the test of time.

Myth 3: Braids and Ponytails Slow Hair Growth

This is one of the more prevalent myths about how to grow long hair, but it simply isn’t true. Your follicles and roots determine its growth; not how often you cut, wash or style it – regular trimming actually has no bearing on its speed of development at all!

Take the time to give your hair what it needs with regular trims and conditioning treatments – as soon as there are signs of damage, treat them promptly!

Additionally, it’s essential that you avoid over-braiding and tightening your hair – this can cause serious split ends and breakage to your strands, pulling on roots and causing them to thrash around uncontrollably if worn too often – something which can easily be prevented with just a bit of extra TLC.

Whenever you have questions about caring for your kinks or coils, do not hesitate to ask your trusted stylist or reach out via social media.